by TS TEAM | May 26, 2008 | longboarding, Models, Surfing
We hope you are enjoying this Memorial day weekend. We are in Kauai shooting our most recent project. Check back soon for some of the images we created. View License info for this image.
by TS TEAM | Apr 4, 2008 | animals, life, Models, Surfing
Meet Tillman. He Surfs, Skates, Skimboards, and Snowboards. His ideal conditions: Glassy 1-2ft with a slight offshore breeze. We spent a day down at the beach with Tillman so that he could show us his stuff. He is looking for some sponsors and wants to get into...
by TS TEAM | Mar 8, 2008 | Models, Photographers
We welcome Jennifer Becker to the TidalStock team of photographers. She brings with her a very unique style that translates into amazing portrait photography. We like unique, we like different, and we like Jennifer Becker. She lives in New York, working as a...